Tuesday 1 December 2020

I received an apocryphal Torah today?

It is a miracle I witnessed this morning 

I have posted this already from my account on Ummah Forum:


Salaam - as I woke up this morning I was forced by some noor to read torah chapters - which were sounding like surah yasin and surah luqman but in Ancient Egyptian - which is close to Somali (as ancient egyptian was) and I understood it

It went like this:

"Ya Sa, Wa tawrakti nadheef, watahay rakallahlah ki lugo qoray lahfass mahfass"

Translating to: Ya Sa, This is the pure Torah, you are the Prophet of Allah [called Moses]
written in the Decree of the Divine Revelations"

Before, In the first day of Ramadan this year I was sitting there reading surah kahf and an angel took it and gave me an old brown-cover glowing book,

I took it to be the Torah cos its pages was made like from papers that seem to be glowing strongly and made from milk and honey?

Land of Milk and Honey is a symbolising to do with Moses and the Exodus.

- By Laila Ali Haid

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