Thursday 29 July 2021

Logic and Time

The creak of lauded 

Sounds and Christ

Himself frames

Innocence to a parenthesis 

Of gilded ages

Woe to epochs

Hate in fortitude

I love the origins.


In Muhammad, 

we reside.

In the ascetism of

his fountain of pain,

the lamp light

The hope of transmitted


The fruit slice

On a communal lap.

- By Laila Ali Haid

Friday 16 July 2021


Today, I saw a dust to a mortal stretch.

I speculated at the lightspeed 

and love economic.

In dichotomies of minds

and apparatuses to die on,

on mountains of creed

making stances of ye -

a divine decree

fixed on

an overture.

- By Laila Ali Haid

Quran and Hadith Translations

  Translation of the Noble Quran and Hadiths Translated by Laila Ali Haid Chapter 1. Surah Fatiha In the name of the Lord, The Most Gracious...