Tuesday, 31 December 2019

The Pristine Garment - poem on Prophet Muhammad PBUH

The sky dominated my head

Eyes stretching to the sofa bed

Legs felt despondent 

In unison swarming the room

I look across the window

Overcome by mundane supernatural hatred

The mercy of Ar-Raheem 

Determines my sleep.

Skip across the elemental

Re-tell the vitality.

Pessimism undermines clarity

Virtuous illuminations

Underwrites new realities

Floating before twilight

A narrative

swims to my conscious

Before me


Peace and Blessings always on him.

I recall graceful sleeps

dreams to keep.

- By Laila Ali Haid

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Penitence Poem

Perseverance, penitence and patience,
All in my eyes just above its lids,
It is a strain for the chequered self,
The metaphysical discourse to good ratios,
A balance between the soul and act,
Shifting frames to a crystalline speech
The heart is stalemate with its vessel
Eat and live
Is to live to eat grain?
Or the penitence that flows from eye lids,
To another clean afternoon anchoring good reason
To strong faith?

- by me, Laila Ali Haid

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

On my way

Scrolls leisurely compete with time
I am on my way to a precision.
Marking the temporal in it all -
shrub and faint roses,
crystallizing moon phases,
Ocean floors,
Ebony doors


The hock mark
that made contextual my appearance
at your front door
marching all the way from
hushed beds of forest
to the sandy limits of an epiphany
I see a crystalline outpouring
From your weirdly glazed door
It projects the message
I've been waiting for
"To eternity through you
has motion from the wheels of
some grace".

- By Laila Ali Haid

Big sis

Top of the tree stares down
I crank my neck, with a question
“Do apples float swaying from your branches
In a descent timed to gusts of direction
This way and that angle
Oscillating between all balances?”
The apple is ripened
The sun coddled it
The branches summon the apple
“my sister, the nestled seed in your centre
Is us, the sun
And the answer”.
The tree is my big sis
And the seed has departed, it will be sufficed.

-by me, Laila Ali Haid

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Kisses on a cola can

Kisses on a cola can

That new age moon drink sips itself, really
I am thirsty. I reach for the last chemical outpourings from a cola can.
Hard a-bopping to the American Great Backyard, we look over our neighbours
And into Washington’s newspeak imagery
Kiss a can of cola to observe its viscous dreamland
Beg at the altar of fruits and veg, rotting as they be
Eat a goat and wash it down with knowledge of the other,
The prized condiment forbids itself by name,
The underground ferries onto soil,
Soil becomes the soul of America
God bless the past,
And please mention the undertows.

- By Laila Ali Haid

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Thank you and sorry

Thank you and sorry

Great lies convert pennies into nuance and overwhelms
Us into a stance of goose and reverie.
The curvature of my rotten tooth
Formulates a map of bygone allusion
I am forced to roller blade into heuristic chants,
Capitalism renders me thin, thick and
I am shuffling to own sounding offs.
The soap-box error embodies the marked ends to means to ends of means…

- By Laila Ali Haid

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Pinky finger blues

Hold your cup of tea like a lady,
tip it over and there will be chairs flailing,
She gets her porcelain gauntlet with the small finger sticking...
...it to the man of graces and regular blinking,
she's no fair woman of classic movies,
more like dark lovely and swiftly moving,
she can hold the cup of tea in her specific
love for difference and spewing so prolific
jaunty rhymes
about her everyday lines,
while crying for,
an open door.

- By Laila Ali Haid


Poem by Laila Ali Haid Tears could love in light in hardness merry A songbird knew the faint light in touches  The memorial that we shine in...