Wednesday, 11 August 2010

What I dislike about where I live (it ruins ramadan for me)

'X' town in London annoys me.

Why does 'X' town annoy me? (X is the town I live in. Don't worry, knowing myself, I will accidentally reveal X's identity in a future post).

Its in London, number 1. What do I dislike about London?

Its low rape conviction rates. What does that mean? I believe the pathetic conviction rates in this city gives leeway to evil male predators to scourge the darkest of alleys, underpasses, and corners, for vulnerable situations to pounce on . When the hour strikes midnight, X's witching hour commences. The crooks of X slither around the streets, looking for dark sports to convene through.

They have essentially stolen the night (well, mainly).

So what do has any of this got to do with Ramadan, you think, presumably?

Well, this month's Isha is later than usual, around half ten.

A while after Isha, the all important Taraweeh prayers begin. The rewards and benefits of these prayers are immense.

Because of X and London's rape conviction problems, I am essentially housebound during the night of Ramadan, whilst my brother and cousin are free to take the bikes and zoom all through X to attend Taraweeh prayers at X's main Mosque (or Masjid).

Heck, my Brother can go to Asda at 3 in the morning, to get his Suhur, and come back in one piece, using the bike, I think he even walks it sometimes!

I would go with them, but I have a feeling I cramp their style. I can tell by with their unenthusiastic groans after I ask them if they could take the bus with me after Taraweeh(and I am definitely not coming home by myself, after one horrid experience I had walking around X past midnight - No, I didn't get raped, Thanks to Allah).

The problem is, I feel I am missing a good chunk of the Ramadan spirit by missing out of Taraweeh prayers in the Mosque. The feeling is not the same, when praying at home in your room. Praying side by side with absolute strangers, my sisters, of all races and ages, bowing down to the One God and chiming 'Ameen' in unison after the Fatiha, gives you a sense of self worth, you feel integrated into a community of people united to by a great Love for the One. It doesn't count when you are doing it in your house, with 'Pod' from 'Snog, Marry, Avoid' barking orders on the television on BBC 3 .

So either I learn to drive (never gonna happen - I'm too scared of crashing in a highway).

Or a become a man.

The odds are stacked against me. Looks like another Ramadan at home, mum, sister, (female) cousin, Peace TV and me.

-By Laila Ali Haid

Ramadan Kareem folks [Short introduction too]

Well, my name is Laila, live in London, and I am 18.

I am also a Muslim, and very proud, hence why I reference to Islam in my Usernames, forum sigs, and blog titles.

Anyways, forget about me (actually don't, keep visiting this page please!), the reason why I created this blog is because a young christian lady asked if here where any blogs to follow how Muslims feel in Ramadan, well, I thought it would be convenient to start my own one, I do think this Ramadan would be more interesting than the last years one for me.

Also, I will not only use this blog to only discuss Ramadan but Islam itself, daily life, politics and current events

Will see you later, Insha'allah, I will post more in a bit.

- By Laila Ali Haid


Poem by Laila Ali Haid Tears could love in light in hardness merry A songbird knew the faint light in touches  The memorial that we shine in...