Note: Allah inspired me to write the divine revelations of Prophets so I wrote what I assume of the original forms of Prophetic revelations - Laila Ali Haid
Written By Laila Ali Haid for own understanding about Prophets holy books:
Prophet Muhammad’s Quran (Saudi Arabian Prophet)
Chapter 1. Surah Fatiha (My own Correct Translation)
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
All thanks and praises due to Allah, the Lord of the Universes and the beings
The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
King of the Day of Deen
Help us in our worship and bethrow us into success
For guidance to the straight path
The path for the kindly folk, who don’t transmute hate or abysmal pain.
Jesus’ Gospels (Palestinian-Arab and Black Somali Prophet/Messiah):
Chapter 1 - Epiphany
In the beginning, there was time and heaven
Adam was His word
Eve was His light
Jesus, Allah speaks
Created from one mother in Canaan, you were a sad young boy
Allah renders unto you the Decree of the Divine Revelation
Allah grants you a station of glory in this world and the hereafter
Say: The hordes of hell gather in plenty
Those in light are a few
Allah speaks to the many among you in darkness
Prayers of light descends on the Messiah
Ask of Him kindness and good, and do not ascribe falsehoods to those in your Books
The light descends from Allah and He hears every call.
Judith/also known as St. Jeanne (who is also Queen Boudica) - Ecclesiastes (English White Prophetess):
Chapter 1. Kin and Kith
The soul goes in
The soul goes out
In and out, the tumult is all about
Say: H-L-K-I-K-L-K-I
And vigil the night
That's what life is -
In the Lord’s account.
Jeremiah/also known as St. Jeremy - The Magna Carta (English White Prophet):
Chapter 1. The Cliff
His dominion is England
The rights of the tarrying men are few
His light shines on your head
Him that shaped your soul
And proportioned your bodies
Has sent you a mighty doctrine
The Magna Carta is your Book
And your freedom.
Psalms - King David/Nabi Dawud (Black Somali Prophet - from Madhiban tribe - from Somaliland):
Chapter 1: Psalm 1
As you walk in the valley in the shadows of death, have no fear.
Allah has held you in a high station, Dawud.
Your rod is comfort and your cup flows
In the time of desolation, the Kind Lord shepherds.
In your stage, recite
And this is the Psalms.
Harun/Aaron as Solomon (as in Liban aka Warsame) - Talmud (Black Somaliland Prophet):
Chapter 1. Travels of You
The earth is your love
The kindness that sits in your heart
The dead who cause wailing
The travels in the noon
Allah speaks, Harun
Over the light in your eyes is His haqq
Speak and admonish
Pray and recall Him who named you
And take not His name in vain.
Ezekiel also known as St. Stephen/St. Patrick - Irish White Prophet - From Dublin:
Chapter 1: Stonehold
Life is a stonehold
The Lord gifts many
But the truth shall set you free
From the gallows you collapse
In the Day of the Dead
He of two gardens states his claim
He guards you
He owns your destiny
He clothed you
He made you
He honours you
You are His servant
And you are free in this land.
Torah of Moses - (Black Somali Prophet - Somaliland - lived in Somali territory in Egypt):
First chapter - Ten Commandments
Your Lord is one
Do not take graven images
Do not take His name in vain
Hold to the Sabbath
Recall: He loves all
Honour thy kin
You shall not kill
Upkeep the alms.
Do not lie
Fulfil this deed and take His covenant.
St. Adrian (as in Prophet Adam) - Old Testament (Black Ghanaian Prophet):
Chapter 1. Eden
Adam, Allah speaks to you
In the time of your repentance, there was salvation
High is your foundation
Your home is the earth
Your heart remains reclining under His throne
Freely will your deeds
And cherish He who formed you.
Eve’s New Testament (Black Nigerian Igbo Prophetess):
Chapter 1: Speech
Eve, you are His light born servant
Cords of His tether on your heart,
Have sheaths of you.
Pardon the witness
And call His faith.
Timo (Timothy) - Lamentations (Bengali Asian Prophet):
Chapter 1: In our lifetimes
In the deed of their time
Corruption does entail their reasoning
Kindness appears on the land and on the seas
When their folk conquer their annexed peoples
The grail appears.
Micah’s Tanakh (Japanese Asian Prophetess):
Chapter 1: Box
Love in the Lord’s name is Here
The cold paragraphs of the lonely
The ideation on hatred
Micah, Allah speaks
The Lord renews your vigour,
Denies your detested opponent,
And illuminates your path.
Tobias’ Parchments (Italian White Prophet):
Chapter 1: The Call
The Mass draws humanity
The Lord knows all
His care rents the oppressor asunder
The Love in His hold
Allah speaks, Tobias: His is the might and He owns the drive.
And the Lord calls you to Prophethood.
Farduus Muuse (Mum) - Deuteronomy (Black Somali Prophetess - from Somaliland):
Chapter 1: The Centre
The flood betook the oppressors
He has guided you
Ask of His bounty
Surety in the foul people
Marks a kind Prophet’s ascent
The ilah watches all
And mercy descends from His haqq.
Queen of Sheba/Araweelo - Hebrews - (Black Somali Prophetess - from Djibouti):
Chapter 1: Life and the afterlife (Meaning in Somali: Iff iyo Akhiro)
The guide is in your home
The home on high is your right
The Lord envelopes you in a great call
You are His Prophet, Araweelo.
This territory is announced by your presence
The light shines on believers and their books
Lord calls you all to the eternal gardens.
Ar-Rahman is your only Lord.
Principles are for Him in deed.
Ask of Him and take not Ra for rituals.
Enoch’s Ulysses (Chinese Prophet):
First Chapter: Homer
The finality of your time and dates
Call the ritual and submission in religion
The hardships of your daily living
Is a stonehold for renewal
The Lord guided you
Now call His faith
By Hayyu, your Lord the Haqq, you have its premise and hold.
The Lord counts you all.
By the waters in retro, the bound book
Is revealed.
The truth is a landfill,
And He hears all.
Ham - Ephesians (Black Ugandan Prophet):
- First Chapter: Dogma
This is an ephesian in might for those who return
The kindness in a blight
Repent and find the heights of you in lewd lifespans
Allah is The First and The Last, The Near and His just truth is upon your sights.
The word has been given to you, Oh Ham.
Ruth - Septuagint (Moroccan Arab Prophetess):
- First Chapter: Troy
Troy will burn
The Lord speaks to you, Ruth
The sheer presence of good
The anatomy of evil deeds
The strength to bear
Forlorn were the sinners
Now give and take heed.
Jericho - Kings - (Mexican Indigenous Prophet):
First Chapter: El-Dorado
Lord announces the wayfarers right in the land
He gives you the keys to a land
Allah purifies the townships
Long live the praised sons of Judah
Who called in blighted citadels
The woman who built its structures.
Ask and receive His sainthood
You will never be diminished
The establishment of you in the lands
Bless security in Judah.
Mexico is your domain, now the staple of marks is upon you!
Blessed are the poor who live among you.
Transcend and ignite.
Samuel - Judges (Swedish White Prophet):
- First Chapter: Judge
Samuel, judge
Judgement for Eli and his men
For the plaintiff who asks for rights
In the way of the defendant in his trial and
Misgivings begin with the hatred of compassion
Principles of light are:
Light proposals and forgiveness from the state
Decriminalize the poor
Greet Him at heaven’s gate
His throne is just beyond.
Esther - Corinthians - (Black Kenyan Prophetess):
- Chapter 1: Praises
The low and the might
The vibrations of the desolate places
The poverty in your region
Constant was your right
The earth is valid
To all peoples in plenty
Share and divide
Do not conquer and set aside
For the wealthy
And the benevolence of mankind
Is an unjust sign
For the princely cities
The crown is now overthrown and forgiveness is from Allah.
Saul - Colossians - (Abdullah) (Black Somali Prophet from Somalia’s Qoryoley city/Darod tribe):
First Chapter: Waters
Call the men of truth sages
Call to the nether hatred of their
Prima Facie interstitial frames
The noor is on your throne
He hears indeed your voice
See the angels above you
Throw the glances off the book
Cry for Him who made you
Not for the tradition
Nor the lies of Judah’s steeples
Saul, you are His prophet
The stature of you is described and decreed.
Allah is the cherisher and you are His tranquillity for Judah.
Jethro’s Galatians (Black Zimbabwe Prophet):
Chapter 1. Trees
In the remarks of man
In the hatred of the souls
Is the hatred of simple kindnesses
And the fountains of water
Flowing to the barren and old lands
Jethro, your Lord speaks.
The hearts of your folk have abandoned you.
Isaiah’s 42. (French White Prophet):
Chapter 1. The Glory
The light of Mine is in you
Compressed into the darkness
The tenets are yours
The rendering of sad climaxes
In your troubles and dreams
Are your hopes and deeds
Prostrate and Allah will uphold you.
Abraham’s Genesis (Indian Prophet from Delhi/Asian Prophet):
Chapter 1. N-M-S-T (or Namaste)
Allah speaks
The light of Allah calls in the darkness
The formation of humanity
Was not in the shadows of voids and death
Cry unto He
And enter the rebirth
Of hearts and lives.
In your creation there was form and the spine
Repentance is for Him
And to Him is the timeless unknown.
Manasseh’s Titus (Black African Prophet in Jamaica):
Chapter 1: His Hand
The power in His Hand
Guides the poor and weak
To hopes beyond the boundaries
Set by the men of the cloth
The dreary lies of mankind
Purifies from sanctification of moments
The Lord plots
And in your soul
Is His seal of holiness
By the kindnesses
Of fishermen in their laurels -
Call to the station of everlasting grace.
The day is done and transfiguration is due.
Hajar’s Bible (Palestinian Arab Prophetess):
Chapter 1: The Permission
Lord has chosen you
The Lord calls the men
And the women
The guardians on your right
Had seen the occurrence of kings
In your domain
Lord asks you to dwell in His Kingdom in peace
Bible is a creed in the Judah
It holds it still
Lord purifies mankind
He gives your wealth to the prayers
Of yours and the begging children.
May God rest your soul, Hajar.
Rehoboam - Book of Jasher (Indonesian Asian Prophet):
First Chapter: The Life of Deeds
The fortitude of success
In the light of the Lord
Purifies the poor
The flashes of cognizance
In the contentions of the priest
Purifies his soul
The rights of the vulnerable
Are in your chest
The fallen leaves
Sink into your dread
Transfigure and do not cut the lay figure
Lower than the mantle
Bow and contemplate.
Noah/Nuh's Cuneiform (Saudi Arabian Prophet):
Chapter 1. Cold Days
The Lord guides you
He sees you
You have built an ark
Your deeds are blessed
The days are dark
And cold.
Hope is not found
In your grey shoal
His hold is strong
His life for you is short
And find Him in your plan.
Joshua’s Jubilees (English White Prophet):
Chapter 1: The Light
The Lord is in the plot
The Lord is without the plot
His grace is on all
The life of yours is old
The Knights gather
The templar sheathes
The doubt is great
The magnitude cunning
The hard hearts live
The youngs ones dwell
In hardship and squalor
Joshua, Allah speaks
When you return, know His light is on you.
Zephaniah - Wisdom (African American Black Prophet):
Chapter 1: Stories
The Lord granted you plenty
In the land of hopes
He sets you yonder,
In the frankincense of realms
The fraud of kings
Who held you as their saint
Shows the confusion overtaking
Judah, now go preach
In the evenings and afternoons
To the blessed youth
And set the provisions of the poor
Set free their might
No racism in their dreams in the bound books of Adam.
Ishmael’s Leviticus (Sri Lankan Asian Prophet):
Chapter 1: His friend
He speaks
The Lord knows
And honours the poor
He rents asunder the kings
In order to grant to the impoverished
The Lord counts the alms you keep
In your frail hand
He sees you weep
The enclosed cities
For the dismay of Mothers
The Lord rents asunder their system
Blesses you with Prophethood,
And establishes your Judah.
Azura’s Pentateuch (Saudi Arabian Prophetess):
Chapter 1: The Afternoon
He saw you weep
In the afternoon they recline
In the daytime they whimper
From your might
He sees the day of the poor
Who ask for their pennies in blight
You ask to whom was this shield built
The man who made it keeps not
His promises nor His kith well
The Lord mistakes not
The graven images for himself
He rents the land not for the mighty
He does not need their praise or garments.
Abigail - Philemon (Black African Igbo Prophetess from Nigeria):
Chapter 1: Different Epochs
The Priestly class do not keep His word
The lies of Judah
He hopes not for their consecration
Of known faiths with shamanic debt
The night falls not to their graces
He created this land in plenty
With wicked men lowered by Adam
Eve begets not the white suppressor
Who saw your might die in England
Seth is not their father
It is now a different epoch of dread
Ask for your Lord your cloth
And set aside alms.
Obadiah - Philippians (Yemen-Arab Prophet):
Chapter 1: Courage
He saw you speak
He recorded your deed
Know His Majestic Pride
Is existing
He created you
Made your station high
He rent down the cowards of palaces
Who kept His word low
Who admonished the weak
And repentant
The liars in the cavalry
Of priestly men and kings
Had known the witnesses and saw their end.
Brett/St Bretannion - Thessalonians (Greek-Turkish Prophet):
Chapter 1: Prophethood
He is the Lord who plots the deed and the end
He is the Lord who created the earth
In its bends and creeks
He washed your soul in youth
He taught man the pen
He taught you to speak
So ask and receive
The Lord’s guiding light
The Lord’s plentiful decree
The Lord’s hatred on the shamans
Of Greece, Athens
He created your might
Now ask of your deed.
Jonah/Yunus' Epistles (Iraqi Arab Prophet):
Chapter 1: The Lots
The lots have been cast
He created you
He knows your pain
On your boat you almost passed on
In your townships you were denied
In Nineveh Allah sends the 100,000
Peasants on chariots of fire
Their hearts cannot be cooled
This is an epistle
To the Jonah in the deft seas
On His journey home to Allah
The epistle revealed
Shown to the best son of Judah.
John the Baptist's Book of Revelation (Palestinian Arab Prophet):
Chapter 1: Love
The loafs on the shore
The beat of your heart
Here is Prophethood
Of a man forlorn
A man counting days
Until the bound books
Tear and find his tears
The Lord forgets not
The man is the deed
The Lord is with you
And your paths brighten smiles of days
For the men of poverty
Call His faith.
Rachel’s Maccabees (Black Rwandan-Ugandan Prophetess):
Chapter 1: A tale
God shows you
Himself in the word
You are entrenched by
Ilah He is and you are His glorious servant
Found in the woods of many places
Found alone with Him
Down the rivers of home
The territories of the Dinka
There shone a message
A story of a Maccabee
Hymns dismay at the oppressor
And seal the faith
A man was found at your door called the Holy Ghost and he grants you elevation from pain.
Isaac’s Good Samaritans (First Nations Prophet from North America):
Chapter 1: Lives
Lord shows you the land of the free
In the woods of the outlier towns
The pain of a people abandoned
And destroyed by men of external races
The forgotten books betide upon them
His glory shines on Judah
The animals are waking
The children are under His throne
The freedom call awakens
The pure and just
The lore is not a lie
The fable comes out of the tide
The life of yours is blessed.
Miriam's Numbers (Black Somali Prophetess from Ancient Egypt):
Chapter 1: I am that I am
Lord sets you free
You are His soul
Bound to tithe and pain
To keep the prayer due
You state
The claim of God
The man and his religion are not true
When you saw law unveiled
You bowed and smote
He calls you His soul
You are the might of Judah
The books and the wars of the Lord tie
Allah says: I am that I am and you are His Prophet.
Shiloh - Giants (Venezualan Indigenous Latino Prophetess):
Chapter 1: The purification
God kept you
His word is you
You are the child of Judah
The flowers you kept
On His graves
Shone a torch on the states
Of the poor and lonely
The kindly weep
The stolid hearts kept low
The miseries
Besides this year’s harvest
Show undergone corruption
The low and the heights, the gigantic lies in this house are now purified.
Caleb - Scrolls of Caleb (Syrian Arab Prophet):
Chapter 1: The Teachings
Murmurs of empathy
In the stone wells of Syria
In the hills of the tribes
He calls your might
Speak and you are given
A hope for the hereafter
Allah speaks: You are His Prophet and His speaker.
Rabiqa/Rebecca (Rabia Basri/Rabia Al-Adawiyya) Sirach (Iraqi-Arab Prophet):
Chapter 1: The might of words
Sirach is your might
Your deed is in the light
The truth is with you
The Lord is owed the tithe
The green fields are ploughed
For the many men in cloth status
He does not need their deeds
He does not need their hardship counting
The lies of their bellies
The falsehoods of Judah
Are rent asunder by your blight
When you smote the oppressors
He calls you His Prophet and grants you a hereafter.
Habbakkuk’s Document (Lebanese Arab Prophet):
Chapter 1: Truth
The Lord does not lie
Nor is His word weak
Or made weak by their inaction
The years pass and the men open their hearts for lies
The men of inaction see their deeds pass down
To establish oppressive moments
The cold paths
Of good deeds
Like that of men before ye
Were hard and shone a light on progression
The men of good were with you
When you spoke compassionately for orphans
He sets you in a good hereafter and you are not forgotten.
Cain's Virtues (Black Nigerian Igbo Prophet):
Chapter 1: The good in you
Good has preceded the value in you
The kindness that sets still the fisherman
On their way from a clamour of sea
The hatred in the men of cloth
Sets them low
He guides you
On His religion of peace
Man laughs at God’s plan
Man coincides His hatred on growth
Without thought
He guides aright the weak
Sets low the incomes of the mighty
He created you.
Amos' Deeds (African-American Black Prophet):
Chapter 1: Good works
The known hopes of gardens
Of the Lord’s
In the hereafter of His in due course
Have been promised
The lies have been put aside
He has spoken
The known gardens are yours
For the deeds of you
The efforts of the poor are not forgotten
Nor are you alone
In His majestic kingdom
You will reside and open
Your heart and mind to eternal life.
Elias’ Guidance (Black Ethiopian Prophet):
Chapter 1: The guidances of you
The Lord sees you
He honoured you
Young boy, He saw your deed
He knows your childhood
The severity of doubt
The next of kin
Grants you an allotment
Of faith
He grants
The Cherisher speaks
He says you are His servant
He granted you plenty
Now stand up and preach.
Daniel’s Acts (Palestinian Arab Prophet):
Chapter 1: Good actions
He named them
The good and the bad
The cherished and the hateful
The kind and the low
He named you His Prophet
Now seize the doubts and the good.
Hezekiah/Dulkan - (as in Mustafa) Rules (Black Somaliland Prophet):
Chapter 1: Foundations
The Lord grants you land
He held you as the Prophet
Now that you are Adam’s descendant
In Somali territories
He grants you hope
The man is Hezekiah
And the Lord speaks.
Huldah/Wakeeneh (as in Ayaan) - Congregation (Black Somaliland Prophetess):
Chapter 1: Prayer
The known Lord
The High Lord
The giving Lord
Is with you
He sets you on a path
The Lord grants alms
And He anoints you with Prophethood.
Zachariah - Canticles (Palestinian Arab Prophet):
Chapter 1: Signs
The truth is knowledge
The Word is your bond
The hope is the glory
Not the Lord begrudged in a song
Zachariah, you are His prophet
In the Levant you reside
He calls you to green springs
In the sleep of you
Woe betide the oppressors
Of Rome and beyond in Europe
Palestine is your key
The hope is the line
Of God’s sign.
Hosea- Praises (Aboriginal Australian Prophet):
Chapter 1: Remembrances
Hosea praise the Lord
Until your work day is done
Remember He who created you
In the wombs of parents
That raise you and praise along
The winter’s nights and the hopes of the day
He is your Lord
Who created the sunrises
All until judgement day
When they are still in their homes
With their merchandise
Then the caller shall ask
How did I go without praising my Lord?
Abel - Repentance (Black Ghanaian Prophet):
Chapter 1: Penitence
The Lord takes you as His Prophet
The Lord counts your repentance
With your armour of white
Pray to Him
The Lord knows all
He counted you too
The repentance in the forenoon
And in the evening is a grace
The Lord smote the wicked one
He saw you preach
Your wisdom is pure
He grants you truth to distinguish.
Susanna - Codex (Icelandic White Prophetess):
Chapter 1: A new day
The Codex contains all
Your grief mesmerized
As you wailed for the poor
The dead saw a blessing in their end
You saw a repeating hardship
The lapse of care
Carried not one soul
But the intention for good
Salvaged a whole society
The Codex is here
God’s love is all to see
To know God
Is to honour him and He is The Knower.
St Thomas’ Domesday (Welsh White Prophet):
Chapter 1: Intuition
You are humble and awash with calm
He sees you
The Lord sees the knights gather
With no progress
And poverty overtakes
You are His deserving servant
Alongside the beggars of Wales
He saw you and
You did not decry His blessings
Small were graces of charity
Small was the forgiving of debt
Know you the Lord’s perfection of honour?
Then know that He exists and is The Sublime.
Elijah’s Speeches (Norwegian White Prophet):
Chapter 1: Thoughts
You are the speaker of the House
Know His glory has been witnessed
As you take the men in doubt
As a reforming people
Ask He who guided them
Who made signs manifest to their
Sad chests and gazes
He begets not
He does not know the liar Odin
He knows you
And the little ones on chariots of alms
He spoke for them
Now preach.
Nehemiah - Changes (Dutch White Prophet):
Chapter 1: Peace
Changes belong to God
He owns the prayer
He turned your hand
Towards the gifts
He made
Lord knows it all
He granted you a life
Not worth forgetting
Nehemiah, Allah speaks
When the wars are over
When the drawn horses are settled in their stables
He anoints you
And pulls you forward.
Benjamin - Holds (Afghan Prophet):
Chapter 1: A life
The curfews of warring societies
Holds them
The Lord chose you
In spite of your fears
He is with you
The Lord created it all
The fear and the prayer
The life and the hatred
He is One
Benjamin, your Lord speaks
When you have finished moving in the day
Know in you
Is a mighty prophethood.
Nahor - Might (Black Prophet from Trinidad):
Chapter 1: Hopes
Hopes are not forgotten
He created you in a form
He fashioned your skeleton
And founded your role
He made you a Prophet
Might is small for some
He knows you
Nahor, Allah speaks
In the time of penitence
You sat and prayed
He calls you to the path
Not forgotten and hoped for
He says your name is cherished.
Mordecai- Memories (Black Prophet from Congo):
Chapter 1: A revelation
Lord speaks
He says you are His prophet
He kept you well in your seat
Of government and power
He knows the names of those in the House
He says you purified it
The Lord speaks
He said you are His prophet
When the day dwindles
And icons fail to anchor hopes
Know your Lord
You are all but memories
For people who ask about their Lord’s name.
Jacob - Israel - Russian (Circassian) White Prophet:
Chapter 1: God
He formed the many in their niches
Of prayer or work
He saw you
He honours you
He accounts for your efforts
Israel is but a spoken word
But the book is for you
Here he presents you as a Prophet
He tells you the good
He saw your life pure
Now know Him
Who formed humanity from Adam and Eve
Here is your prophethood, Jacob.
Hud - (as Mahmoud/Dad) Proverbs (Black Somali Prophet):
Chapter 1: The land
The land is dry
Or not
It is heavy with blessings
The song has been composed
In deft prayers
He saw you pray
He granted your wishes, for He is The Clement
The Lord calls you a prophet
The proverb has been shown
To the believers and non-believers alike
Proverbs is your Lord’s wisdom
Calm are the seas
And the prophethood taken to them.
Salih - Japheth (Saudi Arabian Prophet from Riyadh):
Chapter 1: Life's Lot
Oh you gazing at the stars
Do you know the Lord created them
He speaks
The Lord knows you
He grants you life
After experiments bygone
He saw you see life
He made you
He honours you
He speaks to you Salih
You are a life
And he grants you prophethood
Above the many.
Shem- The Lord’s Book (Iranian Prophet):
Chapter 1: The Great Good
The Lord speaks
He created you strong
Do not task the world
At the beck and call of the oppressors
He sees you
You are a good man
The Nebuchadnezzar who causes pain
Shall return in shame
The Lord does not count him
As the better
The man with you is your own being
The plot is small
But the doubt is great; he created you a prophet.
Immanuel - Love (Algerian Arab Prophet):
Chapter 1. Freedoms
God chose you
He is The King
His surety is unmatched
He makes you see
The Lord is The Light and your bravery
Is from Him in the time of love
There must be love in the freedoms
You keep for the rich
The hard patriarchs must submit
The justice is from you
He is The Guardian of the heavens and earth
There is nothing like your Lord
Immanuel, Allah speaks.
Joachim - Tarsus (Palestinian Arab Prophet):
Chapter 1. The anointing
God anoints you
He saves you
Grace is from Him
The salvation is due
There is none like Him, The Creator
The man is without the claim
When he swore on the Caesar
The God with you is Allah
He made you
He honours you today
Joachim, Allah speaks
The government is yours
The pain is to be released.
Luke/Luqman - Barnabas (Bosnian White Prophet):
Chapter 1. The Truth
The truth is God’s decree
When He sets free the souls
In heaven they reside
He formed you
He knows your name
The Lord holds you in honour
The people have passed
Hours have been counted
You are revealed as a prophet
To Know the Lord is to give
In charity
And in it, there is kindness
For the hereafters you see.
Ezra - Ezra (Scottish White Prophet):
Chapter 1: The Shaking-Pier
The Lord speaks
On your piers to yonder you anointed
He claims your prophethood
As a wonder, as a boy you knew
The truth from the common lies
He saw you stand with the true poor
He saw you with the true gentleman of Scotland
Ezra, the Lord selects you for His bounty
The Lord reckoned your opponents were plenty
And knew all - He is the All-Seer
Know in your prophethood is skies to build to
The lies of Judah go shamed
The truth of His message frames the good of the day.
Haggai - Freedom (Tunisian Arab Prophet)
Chapter 1: Joy
Joy is found in your steeples
With man in discourses so kind
As the people of the hereafter praise their Lord
He speaks to you, Haggai
In the afternoon you bow
In the morning you seek your fortitude in repentance
You are His prophet and He gives freedom
To the many waiting for His word
He asks that you give to your disciples
He asks that you render their deeds correct
And shade their graces with love
That you weep for the hereafter is what the Lord decrees
And He created you good.
St Antony - ‘Prophet’ (Italian White Prophet)
Chapter 1. Stances
In foretelling the deed
Of the one in plights
See your Lord as The Just
His everlasting recompense is due
His night has befallen
The Lord is with the clamour
Of cupping hands begging for salvation
He is with His friends
Tonight there is no shame
Hope has not been found with many
But He bore none
In plights they did wonder
In stances they came to see Him as their Lord.
Agabus - Hope - Palestinian Arab Prophet
Chapter 1: Breakthrough
Hope is now here
To stay in the forenoon as you linger
In wonder about God’s changes
Loving for a deed to enclose you
Waiting for the unknown to shake you
Ask Allah for help
He says: you are His good prophet
Do not decry the shame
It teaches your person
Do love your Lord
Who brought you out of your slumber
To shame you into being
A great deed itself.
Raquel - Mercy - Spanish White Prophet
Chapter 1: Gliding Mercy
Mercy in the windows of time
God showed the mercy to you
He showed the love in kindness
And the kindness in love
He showed you true manners
He loved you as you grew up
Know Him and love Him, and take your prophethood now.
Joseph - Flowers - Russian-Circassian White Prophet
Chapter 1: Recordings
Flowers in the gardens in dawn
Recall the fields of heaven
That you long for
That you take your status for
The Night is alive and has spoken
Your life is your cherished flower
A prophet was born
In lands away from home
Your parents shook their heads in dismay
As you took hearts for words
Of deeds respected
When you saw the hypocrisy
You denied their laughter and chose a better path.
- In golden gardens in long days
- Glory stretched the providence of the universe
- He says: you have beginnings but no end
- The days undertowed by enlightenment in faintly lit rooms
- He sees and undoes the plots
- In the breaks in recitation
- For Torahic prayer
- Was shine in mornings
- Cascading from high mountains
- Were messages to you.
Chapter 2 - The Injeel/Gospels - Jesus/Nabi Isa (Palestinian Arab-Black Somali Prophet)
The Night drew her breath
Asking the Lord for forgiveness
He put honour on her head
She is the blessed Night of the Decree
And forsaken is the kindness of hypocrites
As forsaken were the enemies of Laila
In the days of a rescinding time zone
Allah blew breath of purity into her nose
And welcomed her into her Kingdom
Of Glory and Eternal life.
Doctrines - Chapter 3- Gospels/Injeel - Jesus/Nabi Isa (Palestinian Arab-Black Somali Prophet)
Judith was the reign of England.
The Acts drove her path.
At the behest of every tyrant of Albion
Is their death in the afterlife's judgement.
Corroding is their might of doctrine, until later times
None can decay their sword but the Khatiyun, the Night.
The loftiness of the Lord - Chapter 4 - Gospels/Injeel - Jesus/Nabi Isa (Palestinian Arab-Black Somali Prophet)
Allah willed not their lies
He rose above His throne
He established your universe
The loftiness in thought
Is from the spirit of the Holy Ghost
The true intertwining of religion and charities
Holds you aloft
And the poor ones in their might
He saw you and established your time
For transcendence and you are His prophet.
Kindness - Chapter 5 - Gospels/Injeel - Jesus/Nabi Isa (Palestinian Arab-Black Somali Prophet)
Kindness in lores have redeemed the poor
As it had done to people in former territories
In the Arabian lands there have been related news
Of a foreseen Prophethood
The Christ in his laurels and adages
In a kindness he saw the children of Palestine
From now in their circumstances
He took their love
For their food and medicine
As his graces for their lives
Jesus and his kindness
And to Allah is the accounting of mankind’s deeds.
Torah of Moses (Black Somali Prophet) Chapter 2 - Pride
The pride of Ra
The chains of Amun
The relief of Ptah
But what about the Lord that shaped you?
The entity of Habarti Yunis
Recedes and fades
When you see the light of Allah, do not deny Him.
Torah of Moses (Black Somali Prophet) Chapter 3 - Love
The thought of poor tarrying men
Saw you climb a mountain of deeds
That the man in the left deed
Saw as shame
The people in deeds of shame
Saw him in his blights as an idol
There shall be no God alongside Him
Who created people in different shapes
He who formed you
Shall redeem Egypt
And spread blankets and cushions over the promised land - a Somaliland.
Torah of Moses (Black Somaliland Prophet) Chapter 4. Ya-Sa
Verse 1. "Ya Sa, This is the pure Torah, you are the Prophet of Allahwritten in the Decree of the Divine Revelations." Somali Version:"Ya Sa, Wa tawrakti nadheef, watahay rakallahlah ki lugo qoray lahfass mahfass."
Hearts - Chapter 6 - Gospels/Injeel - Jesus/Nabi Isa - Palestinian Arab Black Somali Prophet
Hearts in the Lord’s servitude are here
He speaks to the many in their fortitude and earnings
And the people in their plights denying their pain
He observes the poor and their needs
And the young jobbing fellows in their smaller incomes
Allah is the Lord tonight in the many asking for changes
He speaks to you Jesus
As his good friend, ask for His nights to be clear
He asks that you give in charity
And not to deny your soul.
Penitence - Chapter 7 - Gospels/Injeel - Jesus/Nabi Isa - Palestinian Arab Black Somali Prophet
Penitence cools his soul
It is Christ, the Nabi Isa who is speaking
He counts the pain on his repentance
Of his soul and shines out the mores
Necessary for change
Allah speaks
He says - good men do not falter in speaking the truth
The good people are here
They see their Lord as their saviour
They count their days as longer than expected
As they enshrine their lives as counting for something.
Chapter. 8 - Patience - Gospels/Injeel - Jesus/Nabi Isa - Black Somali Palestinian Arab Prophet
Patience in clusters of yonder loving times
In graces of the Lord’s days
Shows fortitude from Allah
Do not see your soul as unjust
Do not leave the abode you reside for folly
Cry for the Lord
Ask for a hereafter
Tears of a different longing
Show mercy
Show kindness to the poor.
Chapter. 9 Fruits - Gospels/Injeel - Jesus/Nabi Isa - Palestinian Arab Black Somali Prophet
Fruits from your endeavour in pain
Come to the pools of alms in the locality
He sees your efforts and places His forgiveness
Timeless good in working for the poor
See a staunch following
In the past they saw a young man repentant
Now they see a good man in likeness to Gabriel
Know the Lord and His Holy Ghost
Allah is the All-Knowing.
Chapter. 10 Visions - Gospels/Injeel - Jesus/Nabi Isa - Palestinian Arab Black Somali Prophet
Visions in clement periods
Call a different light
To live in the pain
In your towns
When the harvest is low
And the people have slept hungry
Show the stewards in the lands nearby
Talk to Allah in new beginnings.
Chapter. 11 Piety - Gospels/Injeel - Jesus/Nabi Isa - Palestinian Arab Black Somali Prophet
This is the book which there is piety and guidance, a revelation born for the humble
Who follow the guidance from the Lord, seek not doubt and share their income with the poor
They are correctly truthful and have witnessed faith, and they shall not be abandoned in the hereafter.
Those who follow shame in the books and destruction shall know their works were nought and nullified.
And mention the blights Allah announces onto the Kingdoms, they shall not find an endeavour from you for their lies
Mention the curses on the man who is masked and promotes deception
He shall be named and thrown out of the halls of Allah.
Allah sees the truth and welcomes your parables
He decides on the story of Luke
He saw the torn wars of men in books, their pain
He taught justice and humility
Love Luke and turn the Night’s stories into vivid justice
As she wept for change and her honour
She asked for your hand in marriage
She softly spoke to your heart
She writes your deeds in the end times
Welcome Night to your parables
He is a known member of God’s good people the Moses
He is a shining example the Aaron
Deeds foretold in a Somali winter
Welcome them into your kingdom of thoughts
Wealth is to be granted to the poor
Allah selected you with no shame
Welcome John into your home
Your cousin remembers you
In the time of Issachar there was medicine for ailing hearts
You grant your time to symbols of medicine
Know Allah sees you as His greatest healer
With no misery left in your treatment.
With the wounds restored and with energies kept
He knows there are no bounds on you tonight.
He speaks
Allah says He is The Loving
That you will be his most endearing prophet
With a legacy sure
For good habits and teachings.
He says the oppressors are not welcome
To your true Kingdom.
He says he loves the poor.
Who recite their portions in pain.
Good deeds is the climb
And onwards to freedom from misery.
Chapter 12: Job - Nabi Isa/Jesus - Gospels/Injeel - (Palestinian/Somali Prophet)
In pain you cursed yourself
Allah speaks
You know Him
Do not assume destruction
You and your companions are blessed
The Lord created you
And you are His Prophet
Chapter 2. Fields - Ezekiel - Ezekiel - Irish White Prophet
This is a book cleaving doubt from shame, a guidance for the innocent in the lands
Who see God as their guide as they sew their garments
For prayer and for work and see God as their Cherisher
Who do not ask for temptations to gilded shames
Who share their plots of lands timelessly with the poor
In your book there are people in tow with hate
They did not implore from the comfort of their homes, change
But they took upon the hatred mores of Britain and their lies
God saw as you took upon your protests in the greying streets
He saw you swim through their doubts
And upend them for surely God is the All-Aware.
Chapter 3. Hope - Ezekiel - Ezekiel - Irish White Prophet
He shames not the children in their glad tidings
Of school books opening for their new year
As they sing from their pulpits, the Priests cause doubt
In death they bellow out their myth of hell
When the Night called to hell - she endowed her oppressors with an end
When hell comes to earth and the hereafter it is a judgement - not a fire
The skins protected with his care, they go gliding into their eternity, each all.
The sinner and the pious alike.
Say - R-T-U
Dublin shall sing your honours.
Harun/Aaron as Solomon - (as in Liban aka Warsame) - Talmud (Black Somali Prophet - Somaliland):
Second Chapter: Songs of Solomon
The tears of you are counted
The solar system undertook its course
Lord‘s dominion follows its sequences
You are the Golden Servant of Allah
The Lord says: Eat and live
The return is decreed
Allah knows you and the creed is in correction.
For glory Us in deeds and submission.
Shem - The Lord's Book - (Iranian Prophet)
Chapter 2. The Bird- The Lord calls you to honour thy blood and flesh
- To deny sin and dent its pride
- To tarry the hours of shame
- Count Nebuchadnazzer as an issue for God's chosen
- His fine maidens in cherished gardens
- And men of kind nights in pleasure
- He shames none but the crass tyrants
- Who lie to youth about their becoming
- God ceases His curse
- He anoints the cure
- The might of deen
- In this dunya
- Culls the plights
- Night in a shawl
- Among her prayer
- She calls Adhan in Somaliland
- With her brethren the forgotten
- Night is cutting to life
- And a joy to know
- Ameen, God forgive us.
- Shem speaks to you Night
- Ask and in the night, give joy
- Give mirth to the many in your household
- Contact him, ask him of your plight
- To Deen, he overtook the low and the might
- To a sister, you knew it
- The majesty of bird
- Is the Word of God's pleasure
- Allah has spoken and you have been anointed
- Left free of illnesses.
- Please give thanks
- Allah spoke
- And He knew.
More Quran and some hadiths (My own correct translations):
Surah Shuara verses 160 - 167 - كَذَّبَتْ قَوْمُ لُوطٍ الْمُرْسَلِينَChapter 2. Surah Baqarah
No darkness in the book in which there is no doubt - a peace for the pious.
ذَٰلِكَ الْكِتَابُ لَا رَيْبَ ۛ فِيهِ ۛ هُدًى لِلْمُتَّقِينَ.
Who prosper in the unseen and in certainty pray and what of wealth we provided for them spend
الَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْغَيْبِ وَيُقِيمُونَ الصَّلَاةَ وَمِمَّا رَزَقْنَاهُمْ يُنْفِقُونَ
Hadith Sahih Bukhari
Narrated by Aisha Hadith Bukhari No. 5134
حَدَّثَنَا مُعَلَّى بْنُ أَسَدٍ، حَدَّثَنَا وُهَيْبٌ، عَنْ هِشَامِ بْنِ عُرْوَةَ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ، أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم تَزَوَّجَهَا وَهْىَ بِنْتُ سِتِّ سِنِينَ، وَبَنَى بِهَا وَهْىَ بِنْتُ تِسْعِ سِنِينَ. قَالَ هِشَامٌ وَأُنْبِئْتُ أَنَّهَا كَانَتْ عِنْدَهُ تِسْعَ سِنِينَ.
Narrated Aisha: "That the Prophet PBUH he married her and it is daughter [at] six Sinai valley causing and impacting daughter [at] nine Sinai and she stay with him [at
.Sinai] nine
Hadith Collection: Bulugh Maram reference | : Book 10, Hadith 12 |
English translation | : Book 10, Hadith 1255 |
Arabic reference | : Book 10, Hadith 1216 |
Chapter 12. Surah Yusuf
Alif-Laam-Ra. That one is a verse in that eloquent book.
الٓر ۚ تِلْكَ ءَايَـٰتُ ٱلْكِتَـٰبِ ٱلْمُبِينِ
Verse 34. وَدَخَلَ مَعَهُ ٱلسِّجْنَ فَتَيَانِ ۖ قَالَ أَحَدُهُمَآ إِنِّىٓ أَرَىٰنِىٓ أَعْصِرُ خَمْرًۭا ۖ وَقَالَ ٱلْـَٔاخَرُ إِنِّىٓ أَرَىٰنِىٓ أَحْمِلُ فَوْقَ رَأْسِى خُبْزًۭا تَأْكُلُ ٱلطَّيْرُ مِنْهُ ۖ نَبِّئْنَا بِتَأْوِيلِهِۦٓ ۖ إِنَّا نَرَىٰكَ مِنَ ٱلْمُحْسِنِينَ
Verse 34. And enter together prison youths. He said “one of them that shows me press wine.” And he said “one more indeed shows me carry over my head bread.” Birds eat from him. “Our Prophet with its interpretation, indeed we see you as from the doers of good".
Commentary on the following verse: My following translation deals with the misconception of polygamy in Islam in that there is no such rule permitting polygamous marriages.
Surah Nisa verse 3:
And that you were afraid unless in orphans so they married -what have - a clean time your women, in bladder [urination] hill quarter perishing, you were afraid, unless be fair, so one or what she reigned, your faith which lower unless depend on Me.
وَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تُقْسِطُوا فِي الْيَتَامَىٰ فَانْكِحُوا مَا طَابَ لَكُمْ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ مَثْنَىٰ وَثُلَاثَ وَرُبَاعَ ۖ فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تَعْدِلُوا فَوَاحِدَةً أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ أَدْنَىٰ أَلَّا تَعُولُوا
Surah Nur Verse 33
Commentary for following verse: I have translated this following verse to show that Islam believes in full abolition in the matter of slavery, that people enslaved should all go free. In Islam, the whole of lands under Islamic rule should believe in full freedom from slavery for the enslaved people, in their rule, which is owing to the part in the following verse that explains the whole of the [Islamic] Kingdom's [or rulership] right hand is freed from slavery -
Surah Nur Verse 33: And he will not be weak those who, no, they find you marriage Allah from His virtue enriches. And those who they want - you - the writing of emancipation from, what your Kingdom right hand, so they wrote them down that
you knew, including welfare of Allah. That I come to you nor compel slaves on prostitution that want bulwark to seek refuge. Offer life [and] world yes it its so Allah from after for, forgiveness, Merciful ,
وَلْيَسْتَعْفِفِ ٱلَّذِينَ لَا يَجِدُونَ نِكَاحًا حَتَّىٰ يُغْنِيَهُمُ ٱللَّهُ مِن فَضْلِهِۦ ۗ وَٱلَّذِينَ يَبْتَغُونَ ٱلْكِتَـٰبَ مِمَّا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَـٰنُكُمْ فَكَاتِبُوهُمْ إِنْ عَلِمْتُمْ فِيهِمْ خَيْرًۭا ۖ وَءَاتُوهُم مِّن مَّالِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلَّذِىٓ ءَاتَىٰكُمْ ۚ وَلَا تُكْرِهُوا۟ فَتَيَـٰتِكُمْ عَلَى ٱلْبِغَآءِ إِنْ أَرَدْنَ تَحَصُّنًۭا لِّتَبْتَغُوا۟ عَرَضَ ٱلْحَيَوٰةِ ٱلدُّنْيَا ۚ وَمَن يُكْرِههُّنَّ فَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ مِنۢ بَعْدِ إِكْرَٰهِهِنَّ غَفُورٌۭ رَّحِيمٌۭ ٣٣