a calling word
black letter
garish in legitimacy
moons traversing yonder
the cacophony
the allele engraved
sounds of it all.
- By Laila Ali Haid
Hello, I'm Laila Ali Haid, please read my blog here and email me at: lailaalihaid@gmail.com, and catch me at: https://twitter.com/LailaAliHaid
a calling word
black letter
garish in legitimacy
moons traversing yonder
the cacophony
the allele engraved
sounds of it all.
- By Laila Ali Haid
Book By Laila Ali Haid
Chapter 1. The Mother of The Book - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
In the Name of the Lord - The Most Kind,The Most Loving:
Chapter 2. The Beacon - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book - Tribulations
This is the Book, in which is taught pure beliefs,
A clarification of the ways of preceding Messengers
Set to the righteous, to hold them in good conduct and purify their hearts.
Those who believe in the unseen and retain their morals, prayers and hopes for their Lord’s favour.
Those who deny their Lord’s progression of mankind, and bolster wickedness
Will not see their graces return from their efforts, which are null
And hear you the parable of contemporary folk,
Your pilgrimage space, Makkah, occupied by a man unfit,
He asks for backing from the worst alliances,
Calling for denigration to Muhammad
The sibghah spoken in the Qur’an - the antecedent book,
Decays and is set still from the cloth of Al-Saud,
The old man came running,
“I have seen what you call a Prophet
She calls to righteousness and to
Allah’s divine blessings and mercy”.
When the Hour establishes
Cleaving friends by rightful actions
They will know who is idle, denied and abandoned, yet they perceive not.
They ask for a biblical reference, see the men of Isaiah,
As they asked for payment to gather Allah’s book as
They were permitted as such for stipends.
They rebelled on the call of Joshua.
They asked removal of their laws and adaptations to 42 - Isaiah’s revelation
Demeaning the glories of freedom and equality in His scriptures.
They stood and called the guards of Rome, causing destructions to their provinces
Engulfed in pitiful hatred towards their antecedent men - Immanuel and Isaiah
Obviated from the accounts of history and narratives.
She asks for a parable to remove the blemish of sadness from her heart
The fragile plants in your garden cannot be immobile from wind and rocks,
But your heart cannot be blamed from the enthral of hatred to your stature. And your Lord is the Light, the Most Aware.
And you ask for the descent of glory to your station, and Allah is the Provident Lord, your Creator.
Ask and He will bestow upon you a kingdom unseen, removing the calamities you experience.
Say: K-R-M, and praise your Lord often.
H-S-M. The Lord does not beget and is one.
Chapter 3: The Decree - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
In your biology, there is sickness
Recite: L-P-R
Your holy light astonishes the children in your household.
The nadhira descends on your forehead.
Your intent is secured by Allah.
Your strength is decreed in foretold histories and accounts of prophets.
In the name of Allah - Heal!
Allah rents asunder your hardships at this moment
Say: He is one!
The Lord asks none for devotion
He grants fortitude to His servants
His love descends on the righteous and the poor
And on all of His creation
Save the oppressor and the evil man and woman
Dulkan and Wakaaneh lived under His heavenly gardens
He taught them governance and ethics
They caused their boat to destroy the bough of the Eden
He stipulated their compensation to their parents
Who brought forth their payment funds
Allah teaches you the code of Adam’s doctrines
Now! Ask Allah for light and a cure!
P-L-R! Enjoin hard work and intellectual focus on your mind again!
O-P-L! Fly and transfigure.
X-E-K! Ask from your Lord for transcendental meanings to your worship.
Say: In the evening of today, He shall rescue your dignity and graces.
Say: Allah gives you a shroud and fort of tranquility and light.
Say: Your Lord’s graces will protect your plans and work.
Mention in the book Shem
The man of Persia under Nebuchadnezzar II in his court
Little favours does He grant men of injustice
The poor in his Kingdom deprived of their wages and lands
Thrown into ditches for believing in their Lord.
Allah asks that you speak to Him, Oh Laila.
The children of Allah’s servants have a right to be in His gardens of eternity
As does His non-believing servants
Allah grants the kindly their due in blessings and honour.
Say: Allah! He is the One, the Forgiving, the Kind. No light meets darkness without overcoming its brutal desolation.
Allah throws the weight of the world on your back, and He liberates your mantle, hold and being. He asks that you walk to Him, Oh Laila - in your penitence dress and hopes. Allah forgives all of your actions. Run to Him. Then Fly and abandon the fears of the world.
Ask you of Adam and his children? He grants you eternal peace and their free will in the land.
Do you seek the knowledge of men and women engraved in His divine decree of divine revelations?
Allah reveals to you the state of your heart - it is a vessel of judgement.
In the plains of resurrection you will ask redemption for the blighted
Allah calls you to reason the due rights of your own being.
The children of Paradise ask for retribution for their families.
In the time of denial, remove the hatred in the folk of your region.
Ask for equity in all contact and see His power shine on your hand.
The culling to the apathy of the public is near to your side
Allah has placed Prophethood signs on your head and neck
Allah calls you to glory and speech.
In the period of time in this instance,
Allah calls you to watch the passing of life and stock
The upholding of your Islam has been established under you,
With the logical strength endowed upon you intellect,
Appeal to the Lord for critical abilities in religion.
In the time of Abraham and Sara, there was a child of a man called Nimrod
And Allah called him to heavenly pastures - no original sin is decreed in His religion
Your ablution shall set you free from all sicknesses, so ask of Him for strength.
In the depth of your fears, call to salvation in your healing.
Allah removes your hardship to place the world on your back.
Allah clothes you in dignity and precious gifts. Now! Ask Allah of His mercy.
He redeems your enemies and blights the wicked among them.
Now fly.
Decried was one who sought the beneficence in daily occurrences.
In the light of Allah, she will develop and overcome.
Recite: Allah is the One who makes His servants see and work, live and rest. Now live in peace.
Recite: His book and call onto His shaping command.
Immanuel called to the streets of Algiers in his medical service
Now! Ask of His fortitude for legal work and positions.
In the kindness of Allah’s protection, ask for blessings upon your head.
Allah heals your psychology with His mercy. Say: L-P-D-X
Read: O-P-L-R.
In the time of Muhammad, there was castigation to his Prophethood.
Hear this call! You have one Lord.
He is the Primary and the Liege.
Saturn and the stars prostrate to Him in their lower universe. There is nothing comparable to Him.
In the creation, there were two.
Muhammad and Laila, peace be upon them in the register of Prophets.
Islam is the system and the collide of the peace in minutes.
Judaism is the light.
Christianity is the right of the poor and the domain of purity.
Hinduism is the birth of their matters.
Dinka is its source of theory and holiness.
Flood is the balance of religions and its might.
Latter is the brethren of mankind and its signs.
Induct! There are men and women of peace and He anoints their figures.
Lord calls you to His remembrance and then you turn to Him.
Kind is your spirit and nation,
In your accounts is your love for Allah, The Protector.
Turn to Him before the false one returns to your dwelling.
It is in the turn of your cheek that you will foresee his presence.
Zephin is the Prophet of mankind and Allah asks that you read His Book and commentary.
Lord seeks none and is not terminal.
His is the praise and the return.
To Whom belongs no controller and dominant force.
The world is on the axis of you - see your rights there.
The Event is on your days in your sights.
Allah establishes your meeting with Him today.
Recall the Hour in yourself. Meet Him in your soul and being.
From this moment, you are cured and without any sickness.
That has passed. Call onto your Lord for forgiveness.
Now the bevy of your malady has evaporated - respond to His call.
In the stances of you, ask and reason.
Recite in your ablutions: K-L-N and see eternity.
Lawful relations in your decree - and kith will command the wrongdoers to penitence.
The creation was formed from a current and water - Allah asks that you seek knowledge of His plan and might
Kith and Kin become His ayats - a mercy and grace from Him who rewards and favours.
In your childhood, you were facing plights
In your adolescence, you had bright foresight.
Say: L-Y-X and greet Gabriel.
When you sleep, call onto a new light of faith
Jonah was called in severe circumstances
Laila, Allah asks you to observe the conditions in your heart.
The courts of your states will be under your guidance.
The lines of your borders decimate rights in your lands
Grant the poor their alms and due in state funds - your sibgah taxes at 10%.
Seek the protection of Allah and justly cull their oppressors.
The Muslim people and the common residents of the lands - in their lives you invest.
Say: L-O-P-I-H-T-A-N
And transfigure. Call His name for prayer in your standards.
Allah calls you all to the Hidden One’s peaceful steeple.
Allah admits you into your station today, Laila, and grants your final cure.
Recite: O-P-X and then turn to Him in your whole being.
The Lord counts the citadels of you in recompense to the Final Judgement and the weighting is sure from Him.
The Lord counts you as His Prophet for purifying conduct until the Last Day.
The Word has gone forth from the Lord, He is The One, The Fashioner, The Sublime, The Kind.
He asks that you make payment to the poor due in sadaqah. Allah rewards and counts the deeds of you and mankind.
Read: L-P-M and The Cherisher will bind you to success.
You are a reviver of Allah’s religion and a decreed Prophet.
Noor in the daylight of your rituals seals your heart.
With the life in your thoughts from branches
From His lawhul mahfouz,
Remember the life in you subsiding from your grasp,
The kindness in you and your maxims to guide aright
Laila! As you emerge from the dark places
Ask of His providence and love
To cure you from the yokes of abdominal pain
And the weight of the world on your back.
Chapter 4. The Seal - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
In the Name of the Lord - The Most Kind, The Most Loving:
And remember in yourselves the Prophethood of Muhammad
His nightfall journey to His Lord in glory foretold,
When he smote the Governors of Byzantium under His command.
Caressing their hands
They counted the names of Jesus’ suppressors
Rome groaned as their yokes dissipated under the Name of Allah
Tears did not beget from their coarseness
As you circle your dwelling repentant for livelihood
Ask your Lord as your suppressors hide in the forenoon
And Allah will destroy their ranks.
Ask your Lord for mercy on those who do not ask
Saying “My Lord! Grant me something of your favor!”
When the trellises of Heaven have not yet circumstanced
A trove for your ideal fortitude
Supplicate to He who shaped you - for peace and everlasting providence
The penitence of yours, as well as theirs, is counted
When the love of your Holy Lord spreads from Makkah to regions so forth
Call onto him in your cities
And the Lord’s guidance will parse to you all.
Chapter 5. Governments - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
In the Name of the Lord, the Most Kind, the Most Loving
He looked at the right and asked for wealth.
They turn away from their young ones,
And forget Who created them in stature.
As for the man who holds in jest Iraq’s fall
Detaining Jericho’s lot,
And wasting the hopes of Zephin,
When he hears her call “Leave the House to
The people of truth”.
As Black Africa sees plunder,
Your Lord has witnessed the pain of your ancestral continent.
We created you in the shape of Moses and Saba
Of Adam and Esther,
And you study the histories of Empires
Collapsing in shame from the world wars,
“Oh collaborators in violence!”
Do you know not that your books array in smite
So watch the time descending and going,
To the final return.
Chapter 6: Feral Youth - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
In The Name of The Lord, The Most Kind, The Most Loving,
The Light of your Lord descends in extents beyond
When the young Jonah cried on the steeples of Egypt
Saying “Call you one to the devil-cults of Upper Nile, and go blighted by Allah’s curses?”
The boy, shy of knowing the city - called for the destructions of The Group
of the left path, forgotten they be
You, Laila - are on a praised status
Among the eternally bound men and women of folklore - they call it
When Judith assembled the young coal miners in fineries
And her books bound for revealing to England,
As you sit in your cold home, broken from poverty
Ask your Lord for ascension to him.
Due for the fasting time.
You supplicated for your issue to be established in sure success
Call Him such with: K-H-R and then prostrate to Him.
Chapter 7. Read - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book Title: Tribulations
In the name of the Lord, who created man and did not beget him,
Read! And your Lord is Most Near,
When you ask of His graces,
Who thinks they can overcome His plan and The Provident Lord’s might,
Save the pitiful men and women in their dearth,
Of sanctimonious engraved curses,
As they write,
Allah records and decrees.
As they saunter into their misery,
Despairing of the innocent,
And denying righteousness,
In factitious debates,
With their men in discourse,
Of hypocrisy and denial,
Turn to Allah and integrate into,
Your duty, in hope,
With Jesus, your spouse.
Chapter 8 - The Creation - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
The Light was formed in the heaven
Allah ascended over His mighty throne
He created you, Laila, in a magnificent stature
They view your written work
You ask, “What of my poverty?”
He guides to a myth of the previous nations
The Atlas who was not Allah
The heavens groan not for their lies
When the devils assemble in the morning for plots
Against your citadel, ask He
Who was not born of an idea
To whom you ask of favor
Do they own the limb of the bird or the rain from on high
When the dirge of their issue collapses
Then you know in Allah there is true power, and majesty.
Chapter 9. The Cave - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
Remember in the book Muhammad in the cave of Hira
As he wept for graces and penitence to reform the cities
He is in your hearts as your father in religion. So, hear the call of Laila, who asks not for payment or favour.
She is guided by the one who shaped you in your development as infants
In stages of intellect and physiology.
He created you as an embryo and is not speculative to the reasoning heart
He grants all of you heaven - the Muslims and Humanists alike, and followers of all religions.
And time! Call you Allah time? For space and liminality there is a set measure from Allah.
Al-Saud! Hide the enemies of Allah and Muhammad from the Muslims?
Your antecedent had slew Muhammad the chosen Messenger of Allah. Then, perish you like the men of Abu Jahal.
As He begun to establish the mosques of the Western regions of Europe
They arranged in their ranks of hypocrisy to remove the cherished man of Madinah
Reproving his sunnah and traditions.
Mohammed Bin Salman! The event is befalling.
The smoke from Yemen and the plunder of Aden is in your accounts.
Then call you to progress! For every sinning tyrant is his etched place in hell.
In the sijjin, the registers for the wicked.
As Laila finds you in her curse,
Do not forget the Lord’s favour to the kind and meek.
Her established mantle in the histories you bind, seeking honour.
When you lock up the young men and women in Abu Ghraib and in your own prisons
Mocking the dying in Guantanamo Bay,
Call you the men of Britain on Laila, a faceless hand in history?
The scholars you ask if seen and deny you
Call for blessings upon her throne.
Now: You ask about Israel
Allah’s hand will smite Likud,
Leave them to Your Lord,
Who did smite the tyrants of history
Goliath and Rome alike.
Who repressed His word and hung His Gospels in ditches
Who persecuted John and Zachariah
Until the likes of them were replaced by Churches on high,
And a Pope, favoured by Allah.
Now your legacy, Pilates?
Allah condemns him to hell.
The Lord grants you a parable.
Adam was the word and lived in the land of Eden
With Eve
They shared the earth and had many children
They worked and shared their plots in alms
To level resources in equity
Do you, ask for labour to be equated with judgement
The sick and poor to be given a finality of weight?
And call you to the Lord All-Knowing and The Just.
Chapter 10. The Repentant Servant - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
You were an embryo
You have a livelihood
The Lord does not beget
He is above His throne
He holds the universes in His grasp
His judgement accounts for the dominions
That you see. As you count your lifespan
Do turn to your Lord
He has created and destroyed
And weighs the motions of power
Allah calls Laila to her glorious throne
On high in the dunya
He made her a poorly child
She forgives and asks for little
She is granted her supplications
Ask: “When the universe is rent asunder from its station
Grant us fortitude in its death and everlasting hopes.”
Call He who is The Loving and The Truth
And remember Esther
In Aikah, who slew none and upheld justice
Peace be upon her and everlasting glory
Justice is for Allah.
Thus, learn the sibghah of yours in your books and shariah
And Allah grants you the likeness of Torah jurisprudence in your doctrine
And the ease in Muhammad’s precepts.
Say: For the mother there is four alimony elements to render
For her, her children, her parents and sibling’s children.
For the father, no custody is granted,
Except on what is agreed upon by the mother in good cheer.
Ask you about the hierarchies of mankind in race.
It is a development of Europe that is a disease of power and hatred of the Lord.
And We created man in the best shape,
Of Adam’s mould,
As man descends into the lowest form,
Is there any explanation but the regression of racism in mankind’s lot?
Say: Both weak are the seeker and the thought.
Cursed is he who calls to the veil of kinship in Europe
The darkness has surrounded their light.
Call Him with the name Al-Haqq for providence
And remember His favours to you, Oh Laila.
Chapter 11. The Peaceful Night - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
The Lord sets you to Prophethood
Call your nearest to their devout positions
And rely on Him who created your pen
And reasoning therewith.
The Lord loves many and punishes a few
Of them are the oppressors of mankind
That set their yokes on the vulnerable
Those without marked allegiance to power and ruling entities.
Allah grants them a great bounty.
To you Laila is great mercy and tolerance for hardship
Allah grants you pure blessings and hope.
To Allah you will return, and to Him is your penitence
Which is glowing under the Tuba Tree - a favour from Him to his humble servants.
Chapter 12. The Night - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
Say: K-X-M
Man remembers little of His kindnesses,
And favours a Lord not giving life.
Allah forgives and punishes,
And Allah culls the reward of the oath takers in deceit.
Allah counts the good and forgives
Allah heals and takes the soul.
Allah removes the blemish and renews bodies and strength.
Allah guided Ezekiel and Isaiah, Solomon and Hosea.
Allah grants provisions and made you a Prophet.
So when you are in the evening, bow and receive His bounty.
Chapter 13 - The Most Loving - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
He is the Most Loving, The Most Kind
It is written: you are blessed with wisdom.
It is written: you are His Prophet.
It is complete: your term as His hidden friend.
The Most Loving!
Blessed above His throne - guarding all of the universe.
Chapter 14 - Jesus - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
He called to guidance
Across Lake Tiberias he walked and stood in peace
He stood in the gardens of hope for three aeons
He is on His return
Say: As His Bride, Allah asks you Laila to write His gospels
Say: R-K-L and see a better world.
Chapter 15- The Raiment - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
Allah speaks
In the noon time, read: G-L-M
And ask of your Lord your bounty.
Chapter 16 - Laylatul Qadr - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
Tonight is the decreed Night of Power
Say: Might and Power belong to Allah alone,
Nothing is equal to Him
Say: His dominion is under His throne
He is the Sublime Lord, the Forgiving.
Mention in the book Jesus, who is your spouse
He asked for love in his following
Allah’s approval spread upon His form
Rome entrenched deceit to mankind
In the Messiah’s known history,
She was begrudged
The Hidden Imam Laila and her unknown station
She purifies you for the Day of Truth
Allah welcomes her to blessings and the everlasting pleasure of her Lord
To her followers, Allah decrees mercy and forgiveness.
Say: X-R-L and turn to your Lord.
Chapter 17: The Ummah - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
Say: Allah calls for the unity in people
Allah smites the hateful man and women
Of their racist creeds: Allah asks the Sunni group to submit to Muhammad
Before judgement beckons
In the times of Gabriel’s descent to the Hira cave
In the Lion of Judah’s mosque
Allah had forsaken the followers of Abu Jahal
The liars of His ummah must abstain from the teachings of Abdul Wahhab
Asking their scholars for his books are forbidden
In the period of her advent, Laila’s followers must deny Twelver doctrines in Shiism
That rent her asunder with bigotry and cull her title
Say: “In this Ummah, we are Muslims
And our Lord is Allah and our Prophets are decreed in the Torah and Deuteronomy”.
Chapter 18: - Judgement - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
Allah speaks: His guidance has descended upon you
His hukm has reached your doorstep in His favour
Allah has purified you today, Oh Laila.
Judgement for the causes of Muslims lies with Him
Whilst they must give credence to international laws
And cooperate with the justice of Human Rights laws in their lands away from Muslim nations
Ask of lawyers and experts in law
Now: Allah has decreed you work and payment for your law work
Today will be announced your strength of academic work
Today Allah liberates you, Oh Laila.
Chapter 19: - Transcendence - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
Allah asks you to bow
Did they think the Lord would leave them without light
Or did they assume a deadened decree
A life with little hope and dread
Leaves die and so do work and efforts
Allah renews them all, the body, its mind and soul.
Your Lord accepts your supplication.
Before the dusk, in the palaces of the hereafter.
Have you, the Night, asked the Lord for redemption?
It is His truth to bring you to a return
Now read the final chapter of the Qur’an.
Recall His graces on the Ummah of Muhammad
Allah is your Creator and you are granted redemption tonight.
Chapter 20: Earth - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
Oh Israel! You are denounced.
Abandon your likeness to lies
The European lands are under His smite
The carcass of Muhammad is culling their might
Muhammad and the Laila at the End Times
Crying are the children of Gaza and Mosul
At your borders, Egypt - the children of Adam seek their bounties
Call your prayers, Laila and decry their conditions and hatred.
Chapter 21: Fear and Power - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
Ruth admonished her ministers
Call to the freedom of your ummah
The stringent beliefs of schools of thoughts
Render their deeds worthless
The Lord asks you to return to Him.
Chapter 22: The Structures - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
The City in forenoon
A country’s Houses in motions and an impetus
To withdraw the marks of hatred in
This system of lulling standards
With your papers in submission
Ask of your Lord His anointing
And the love of Him shall honour you.
Chapter 23: The Creed - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
Allah is one and rose above His throne
He wills and begets not
The decree is from His Haqq
The noor is founded from His creation
Call on Him in your homes and in your duties
It is not in their creed your sainthood concepts
Call upon Him from their stations and not beings.
Ask those who know.
And Allah is the Light, the Kind Lord.
Chapter 24: Iram of the Pillars - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
The maiden and child of myth reckon
The end time blares for justice
She holds a hard stare
Lord anoints both
And calls you to your rhythm of life and throne.
Lord calls the Dunya to your heels.
In this moment, ask for His grace and mercy.
The knowledge you held about Muhammad’s sunnah
Has set you through.
Salutations of peace are on him and you.
Islam is His deen and you are His prophet.
Meet Muhammad by the galaxy’s gates
And remove the blemishes and pain from His Ummah, your community.
Chapter 25: Tests - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
The rights of Allah for the people are many
Know you that Allah is Al-Baseer
Mention in the book your peers
In the city of London
The young men and women undergoing deprivation.
Test and know that Allah is All-Aware
By the man in his plights!
By the daughter facing debt!
In the grooves of your daily accounts
Allah sees and hears.
When your tutelage subsides,
Know that Allah has established you.
Chapter 26: Trials - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
Allah grants His mercy on you, Laila
Allah guides the many lost in lands
Allah holds your earth on the back of you
Allah grants you courage before the False One descends.
To your cognition and time-keeping
And in the time of preoccupation and the dulling of days
Know that your Lord does not beget
Take not His books in vain
Remember in the Book Abraham
His precedent found in the books of Adam and Habakkuk
In his denial of Nimrod, there was tranquillity for the souls
Of the lonely and hopeless
In his time, David reassured the benign and the passive
On the liberality in the life of the world.
The Lord was His guide and might as hatred
Struck from the neighbouring territories.
Call you one who condemned you to the light?
The name-calling and hatred in trials
Clarified you as His Prophet.
Say: We believe and submit.
Say: We turn to Him that cherished our souls in creation
And spend on the poor and weak.
Love the forgotten
And admonish the transgressing folk.
In removing oppressors from their positions,
Say: Oh Lord on High, bestow on us power and hope.
Chapter 27: Holy Light - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
The Holy Light passes men of wickedness
In their Lord’s curses are the companions of the left
You seek His approval: Know that He spreads His love on your face.
With the hopes of you retained in your mind - ask that Allah bestows on your doings.
Chapter 28: The Light Of Kindness - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
The ascent to the Lord is 55 years in light’s counting, light is an instrument of messages, The Lord on High is The Light, He guides a few in terms long, His kindness spreads in axis rotations and descends on dead plants - the world traverses on Prophethood. Love upon love! Allah’s kindness engulfs all, and His love is settled on the world!
The Lord calls you all to reason and faith. This is the parable of His doctrine: there is one impetus to the initial phases of acts, there is a liminal directive and the speed of light. Your Lord is the cherisher of all galaxies, the earth and beings.
See you the mercy of your Lord spread on mankind? The austere man asks if the Glory of the Lord is his domain of fortitude.
Now ask you scholars of Islam, share you the acts of Muhammad? His men and women gave in great multitudes. The rendering of piety from your councils thrust you into the darkness of abomination. Void upon Void! The Lord misguides many.
Chapter 29. Charities - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
Susannah drove her carriage to the westerly places
And held forts into states for the poor
She was a poor farmer with little remuneration in her efforts.
He asked for her to deposit her small outgoings to peasants in her travels
She transfigured with their salvation at the nexus of her decrees.
Chapter 30. The Light - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
In the Name of the Lord - The Most Kind, The Most Merciful
This is the book of where there is purity, a guidance for the pious
Who keep up their fast, pay zakat and turn to their Lord
Who believe in the unseen, the cherished prophets and His revelations.
Chapter 31: The Cherisher - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
The Lord spoke
He honoured you
The Cherisher!
He did endow you in fineries
The heart and the person
You are free to enter His heaven
With your life secured and His hold strong
The man was Muhammad
Who saw you in infancy
The Prophet was in your penitence and hopes
The myth held you strong
The night was your time of hope
The God of yours was Allah
Now - live in peace!
Chapter 32. The Event - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
The Night is longer than previous years
Hell is calling your oppressors
He saves you from the livid day
Where mothers deny their children
The kings and policy makers of the land
Had tried your hand
He held your heart
Now the Mother of the Book has opened
You are His Hidden Imam
His fortress was always in you
He calls you to an eternal dream
In heaven with your fingers
Spread for His love.
Chapter 33: Y-S - Writer: Laila Ali Haid
Book: Tribulations
It is the book of light, Tribulations
You are the Prophet of Allah on a station of grace
With equal rights driven from your transfiguration
In the night vigils of prayer and cognition comes ascendence
To the heightened bliss of intimate utterances
Only to the One Lord, and do not give way to evildoers.
Who deny the kith and kin their due.
When denying the foul men of hypocrisy
Do not cease due to their wretchedness - remind and call to faith
Ignorance is a blight and an established system of abuse
When the bitter nights lapse your hope and freedom
Call upon your Lord who created you
He did create you
And he shall free you
The black nations rent asunder by suppression to their power
Shall have the upper hand in international politics and trade.
And your ummah long abused and oppressed
Shall be liberated.
Women abused and exploited
Shall lead in their lands and hopes
Sexual minorities shall love freely
And liberality shall be enjoyed for gender identity.
The poor shall eat and retain agency and
Can speak again.
The non-white peoples will own their impetus in actions and lives
You shall believe again,
And His people may live once more.
The Lord guides all, in their motions and coincidences
Happenstances and thoughts.
He taught man ratios and decimals
The weighing of it all
He asks that the meanings may support the orphan
And neglected people, disabled, the detained and impoverished.
Everyday His creation consume
And waste, destroy in haste
He created the earth to be a bed
And the sky to be a provident roof
He controls the prices and sinks the capital
Of the evil conglomerate owner and banker
He liberates the youth in their learning and development
Now He calls you to preach: may they hear His Word.
He created you weak, then strong and intellectually capable.
He asks that Laila grant her held wealth to the poor and those who ask.
And that you follow - Oh Ummah!
Writer- Laila Ali Haid:
“In myself the Lord has rendered a concept: A tablet and a dream decreed in my
sight. I am the Holy Night, Hidden Imam and Life. Hear you my call to faith at the end times.
Say: He is One,
He hears my call
He records the plights and tears
He guards us all”
True Wisdoms of The Night
Written by Laila Ali Haid:
Hadith 1.
“As I speak to you Oh Muslim, I call you to love the stranger as your own family”
Written By: Laila Ali Haid
Hadith 2.
“Work to please Allah and purify yourself, my own essays and written work prostrate to Him.
I wrote about oppressive historical moments with this fervor and hope for the pity of Allah.
Praxis in Engineering, Medicine, Humanities or the Arts can be sweetened with the sainthood of progress and egalitarianism.”
Written By: Laila Ali Haid
Hadith 3.
“The Prophet Muhammad - peace and blessings be upon him - decried the vacous reference to scriptures and holy wisdom. How unrightful is the speaker on his platform - swiveling his head from the circumstances of the young and poor, of liberation to peoples and their agendas.
Pay heed to the essence of the Qur’an and our Holy Prophet!”
Written By: Laila Ali Haid
Hadith 4.
“Love Adam and Eve for what you love to think.
Their Eden was in Nigeria, and their likeness in its populace. The epistemology of ethics and deontology started with these two Prophets ”.
Written By: Laila Ali Haid
Hadith 5.
"Painful dreams and sadness blot out the miseries of sin and wanton developments in imaan - faith”.
Written By: Laila Ali Haid
Hadith 6.
“I speak here today, assigning you all to your books of faith and deeds. The sinners are driven to repent, some punished. The humanist may observe their guidance from laws and philosophies, yet the feral is forgiven. I take my place as the Night.”
Written By: Laila Ali Haid
Hadith 7.
“I call for redemption. From finding hardships in your hearts as a purification, we anchor repentances to our plights. In faithfully giving glad tidings to fellows in their holdings of sorrows to misgivings - the saint is born, as well from those broken from mistakes.
A redemption call is thus never restricted to one type of beings - the pious, as we all hold onto the small graces in our hopes. The penitent souls just simply await sainthood to the next prayer call.”
Written By: Laila Ali Haid.
Hadith 8.
“Repentance belongs to the weak hearts who fear punishment -
but to also those who never coincide their day with worship.
When we seek the Lord, He speaks in the counting fingers of remembrances and pleads for forgiveness,
yet He seeks the forgetful who know a Lord but pass him over for daily efforts.
Now as we breathe in the air of the end times,
know purposes fall into our hands as well as tumbling us as we walk upon them.
As we shoulder hardship, give back in preaching to the many forgetful, as you put forward your prayers.”
Written By: Laila Ali Haid.
Hadith 9.
“Salvation is the point of childhood dreams and sickly times in uprooting fears.
It is the nexus to breathing in glad tidings and exalting in new graces.
For me, I find salvation a time for repentance and chilling discoveries in my holy books.
As I align myself to God’s promises, I see good in all.
The salvation in a congregation lies in reminding of Allah’s love with calm airs around the pulpit as well as the crowding audiences.
When God speaks, we find salvation in His approval and counting on Him is an entrance point to bliss.”
Written By: Laila Ali Haid.
Hadith 10.
“Very much tied to known graces is remembrance of Allah’s might. Call upon Him with names like Azeez 10 times a day and see plans clear.
He rents asunder the might of political systems so repressive
He sets the seas so ask of Him for empowerment.
The Lord Most High will grant you life in all aspects.”
Written By: Laila Ali Haid.
Hadith 11.
“In the days of John the baptist there were heavy plights on believers owing to the Roman Empire's
political repression of their standards;
the Romans were not permitted respite from Allah’s plan.
Policies shaped by ignorance to the poor and minorities come undone from hard activism for justice.
Efforts can come from believers who have their hearts not just tied to prayer
but to speaking on the trials of political life too - it is all worship.
Read Allah’s name Al-Haqq called 11 times a day for justice - and proceed!”
Written By: Laila Ali Haid.
Hadith 12.
“We recall the noon prayers and in committing to them, we push into our hopes and prayers for Allah’s renewal to our blessings.
With each prayer, energies can be gathered to put emphasis on new blessings to be obtained and repentance to wash over our souls.
Prayer is a life-blood and a gateway to new hopes."
Written By: Laila Ali Haid
Hadith 13.
"The Night descends
The Lord speaks
The Night ascends
Resplendent piety."
Written By: Laila Ali Haid
Hadith 14.
"Read Allah's name called Al-Mu'id - which translates as The Restorer - 14 times to be permanently rejuvenated/replenished/given beauty, faith, majesty, everlasting mental peace, comfort, an open mind, wealth, focus and happiness by the Lord tenfold in every possible way and straight away this will all happen:
if you are an orphan your biological mother and biological father will both be easily reunited with you permanently and will permanently both easily live with you and permanently both raise you easily
and if they are dead then both your biological mother and biological father in ease will be permanently resurrected to you and both in ease will be reunited with you permanently and they will both in ease live with you permanently and permanently raise you in ease.
It also brings a reuniting for all biological family members easily permanently, and permanently: in ease restores all good friendships and easily reunites all missing lovers and loves together."
Written By: Laila Ali Haid.
Hadith 15.
"1. S-L-N
2. This is the book in the glow at dawn, in penitence they did awaken
3. It is for those in servile piety toward their Lord
4. In night dreaming of silk and books
5. Here are the kind words".
Written By: Laila Ali Haid
Hadith 16.
"I direct you all to a healing bath - recite Surah Anbiya of the Quran's verse 83 (Surah Anbiya is Chapter 21 of the Quran) and straight away after reciting it blow on a bottle of spring water (like a bottle of water bought from shops) and close the bottle with its lid firmly and and shake the bottle strongly up and down.
Then go to the bath and start bathing inside of it and smack your foot up your under the cold water. Then wash your hair 5 times with the spring water and leave some of the water behind in the bottle.
Then put some shower gel or soap on your hand and press it under hot water. Then get some of the spring water on the right side of your head and press it down on it and leave some of the spring water in the bottle. Then have a full bath and drink the rest of the spring water after finishing the bath."
Written by: Laila Ali Haid
Hadith 17.
"He acknowledges the efforts in the dwindling of lives and shares - to balance the collections of alms in holy days. Recite Allah's name 'Al-Razzaq' 17 times to increase all charitable efforts in the world and yours and to anoint your wealth and deeds".
Written by: Laila Ali Haid
Poem by Laila Ali Haid Tears could love in light in hardness merry A songbird knew the faint light in touches The memorial that we shine in...