Friday, 31 August 2018

Them Green Days - Part 1

Witnessing that grass blade come unstuck from my palm punctured my brain with steely memories of cool hate. Feeling warm this picnic happy day, I further synthesised into a confused mind-state, the paradox and wedge between emotions and environment engendering a parenthesis of despair. Free-associating a get-out plan, I scamper to a walking position.

Get ready.

Get ready people, I tell the muted voices surrounding my being. One single individual eyes my gaze before turning around. I wave towards the darkened body embracing the wind around us all.

"How are ya mate" the body yells.

Normalcy marries pithy pity in my interactions with the friend.

Today was indeed, in fact, filled with mediocre attempts at relaxation and living, as recommended by therapist number 4.

Breathing exercises, fast walking and social happenstances are supposed to give me light, not disintegration of speech and thought...

On the contrary, I have crawled into the little forbidden box situated in my gut that disapproves of the world at large, and of the moves I need to check-mate the catch up game.

- By Laila Ali Haid


Poem by Laila Ali Haid Tears could love in light in hardness merry A songbird knew the faint light in touches  The memorial that we shine in...